Hi! It’s not my real name but, yah! My name is Sierraphine and in short you can call me Sarah. I have nothing as hobby but I love doing random things, like do embroidery stich, drawing, singing or whatever I can do besides my work.

I live in two-seasons country in Asia. I am 97 liner and work as Marketer in small food company. I do collecting (not that much) BTS stuffs and I am happy doing that. Whatever it is, we should do something that make us happy, right?

In advance, I will post something that I love here. Even it was BTS related or not. I don’t know if theres someone who will visit this blog but I hope whoever you who visit this blog, you enjoy everything inside J

Thanks and enjoy


p. s.  heres a sneak photo of me. lets be friend :)

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