It’s been a month since my pilgrimage to the holy city Medina. There is no word that worthy enough to describe how much I miss Al-Masjid an-Nabawi. That’s why I decided to write everything what comes to my mind as well as my heart about that wonderful and also meaningful opportunity to visit the Prophet’s Mosque.

              I am so grateful that Allah give me a chance to be able to step my foot at Medina. Even though at the first time, the weather made me feel uncomfortable, maybe it isn’t love at the first sight for me, but trust me, I fell harder. To be honest, it’s too hard for me to remember every single thing about Medina, because again and again those memories made me miss Medina so bad.

                Now, green become my favorite color. The Green Dome Mosque just too pleasing in my eyes. I remember when my tears can’t stop falling from my eyes, and Ar Raudhah, the garden of heaven, proof it. My du’a at that time was so intense. My sincere prayer belongs to Rasulullah and his family. May Allah give them everlasting blessings in paradise.

                I think I don’t have to mention all of my du’a, I do believe Allah’s plan is better than my du’as and dreams. I can guarantee that Allah is the best planner. I believe it so much. My deepest du’a is may Allah give me a chance one more time to come back. That’s all I want and nothing more. May 14, 2022 would be the most worthwhile day in my life.

    “Know that this worldly life is no more than play, amusement, luxury, mutual boasting, and competition in wealth and children. This is like rain that causes plants to grow, to the delight of the planters. But later the plants dry up and you see them wither, then they are reduced to chaff. And in the Hereafter there will be either severe punishment or forgiveness and pleasure of Allah, whereas the life of this world is no more than the delusion of enjoyment” (Al Hadid, 57:20).

                Al Hadid (57:20), is the greatest reminder for me. The world is temporary, but Jannah is forever, right? The day I realize, the most important thing for me is how to fix my relationship with Allah. Allah is the one and only. Everything on earth will perish, but only Allah will remain. Obviously, it’s totally worth it to fight.

                Thank you so much Medina for touched my heart. Wherever I go, I always be connected to you. Those sweet memories gonna live forever in me. I’ll see you around. One thing that I regret the most is I don’t give any proper goodbye to you, I’m sorry. But, it isn’t the end. I promise to myself that one day, as soon as possible, I will come to see and visit you again, just wait on me?